Ahmadinejad will remain on notice

Iran’s political situation is currently in turmoil. This, though, could be a welcome development:

The Iranian opposition leader Mir Hussein Moussavi announced the formation of a new social and political movement on his Web site on Saturday, following through on a promise made last month and defying a renewed government campaign of intimidation aimed at him and his supporters. The movement is not a political party — which would require a government permit — but a “grass-roots and social network” that will promote democracy and adherence to the law, Mr. Moussavi wrote in a statement on his site. It is to be known as the Green Way of Hope, in deference to the signature bright green color of his campaign for the June 12 presidential election, which he maintains was rigged in favor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Meanwhile, Hamas is not concerned that post-election troubles in Iran will affect the country’s support for the group. Leader Khaled Mashaal claims Western forces were behind the Islamic Republic’s unrest. Maybe marginally, but seriously, Hamas needs the funds too badly to speak honestly about Iran.