Extremism meet bigotry

Jonathan Cook, Counterpunch, October 25:

So why are Israel’s politicians, of the left and right, so comfortable sitting with Lieberman, the leader of Israel’s only unquestionably fascist party? Because, in truth, Lieberman is not the maverick politician of popular imagination, even if he is every bit the racist – a Jewish Jorg Haider or Jean Marie Le Pen.

In reality, Lieberman is entirely a creature of the Israeli political establishment, his policies sinister reflections of the principles and ideas he learnt in the inner sanctums of the Likud party, a young hopeful immigrant rubbing shoulders with the likes of Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu and, of course, Ehud Olmert.

Speaking of poseurs, when will the wider world start to hold to account the Holocaust’s “resident clown”, Elie Wiesel? A supposed lover of humanity, except if they’re Palestinian and occupied by Jews.