Rabbi Bruce Warshal is my kind of Rabbi:
400 rabbis, including myself, signed a letter sponsored by Brit Tzedek v’Shalom that appeared in the Forward this past month. It was a mildly liberal statement that proclaimed that “we are deeply troubled by the recent victory of Hamas,” but went on to urge “indirect assistance to the Palestinian people via NGO’s, with the appropriate conditions to ensure that it does not reach the hands of terrorists.” Pretty mild stuff. Yet pulpit rabbis across this country who signed the letter have reported a concerted effort to silence them. The letter has been branded a “piece of back-stabbing abandonment of the Jews of Israel.” Synagogue boards have been pressured to silence their rabbis by that loose coalition called the “Israel Lobby.”
Just another example of the Jewish establishment stifling any discussion of Israel that does not conform to the neo-conservative tenets of AIPAC and its cohorts. Beware of these self-appointed guardians of Israel and Jewish values. In the end they will destroy everything that makes Judaism a compassionate religion, and if in their zeal they do not destroy Israel, they certainly will not make it more secure.…
The usual suspects will not listen, confident of endless US support for the Jewish state. This is false confidence, however, as the Muslim population gathers political strength in the US.