1. Longtime Residents Applaud US Marine-Led Urban Renewal Project in Falluja; “Thank Allah They Got Rid of A Bad Element and Worse Architecture,” Says Woman on Street
2. 25-30% of Iraqi Workforce Enjoys Extended and Well-Earned “Post-Saddam Holiday”
3. Baghdad Among Top World Cities for Electricity Conservation
4. US Department of Education-sponsored Media Training Program “Honoured and Enlightened” by Visit From Distinguished American Journalists Armstrong Williams and Judith Miller
5. New Ministry of Interior Torturers Far Cry From Saddam Era; Only “Some Skin” Peeled Off Now, Say Victims
6. Dangerous Italian Driving Habits Prompt Stern Traffic Enforcement in Baghdad
7. All-American MPs Bring Cheerleading to Abu Ghraib; “They really love to do the pyramid,” say Coaches Graner and England
8. Islamist Terrorist Defects, Renounces Allegiance to “Osama bin Loony”
9. Ahmed Chalabi: The Best Man Ever
10. Mission Accomplished