When will I praise Israeli hegemony, Israel lobby asks?

It’s nice to know that Australia’s most belligerent, pro-Israel lobby, AIJAC, watches my media appearances (when they’re not backing Israel’s occupation in Palestine). I was recently on Sky News talking about the war in Ukraine. AIJAC only wants obedience to its agenda so this “critique” is hilarious: In an interview on Sky News Australia (March…

Opposing the silencing of Palestinian artist Lowkey

I was happy to sign this important petition against censorship alongside people like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Mark Ruffalo and many others: We artists, musicians and other public figures and organisations are deeply concerned by the coordinated campaign against rapper and campaigner Lowkey. Lowkey has become the target of a coordinated smear campaign to demonize,…

Supporting Palestinian rights can be risky

Back in 2007, I co-founded Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) with academic Peter Slezak, a space to support more critical voices on Israel/Palestine. One of our early signatories was Moss Cass, a senior minister in Gough Whitlam’s government in the 1970s and one of the world’s finest environment ministers. He recently died at 95 and…

Honduras deserves a much better future

During the research for my latest book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, I reported from Honduras, a key narco transit country. The country recently elected a new President, Xiomara Castro Sarmiento Zelaya, who pledges to reform the nation. In a new piece for US outlet Truthout, I’m interviewed by journalists…

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