Covid-19 welcomes disaster capitalists

I recently spoke at Virtual Progress 2020, a conference on civil rights and progressive politics. I talked about disaster capitalism. I was then interviewed by Australian outlet Right Now about these issues. Sarah Joseph conducted the interview: Antony Loewenstein has spent the past decade following corporations around the world, examining how they cash in on…

Making money from emergency healthcare

I’ve spent 10+ years investigating the issue of disaster capitalism around the world. Here’s my latest story, published in Australia’s major outlet The Saturday Paper, on the company Aspen Medical, its role during the Covid-19 pandemic and highly profitable contracts around the world. Aspen Medical’s Covid-19 contracts | The Saturday Paper

ABC Radio National discussion with Yanis Varoufakis on disaster capitalism

I recently spoke at the Adelaide Writer’s Festival talking about Palestine, my recent book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, and disaster capitalism with former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. My events can be heard here and here. My conversation with Varoufakis was recently broadcast on Australia’s ABC Radio National Big…

Disaster Capitalism book published in Arabic

I’m excited to announce that my 2017 book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, has just been released in an Arabic translation, now available across the Arab world. This will guarantee its message, how individuals and corporations are increasingly making profit from misery, will reach a huge global audience. 43,000 physical copies of…

Al Jazeera Arabic film on privatised war in Yemen

Al Jazeera Arabic just released a documentary on the brutal war in Yemen, the use of militias and how the conflict is being privatised with violent contractors. I’m interviewed in the film (not because I’ve been to Yemen but due to my extensive work post 9/11 on the use/abuse of private contractors in war). An…

Clinton collusion in Haiti crisis

A key theme of my Disaster Capitalism film and book is the ongoing economic, political and social crisis in Haiti. Hillary and Bill Clinton, along with their Clinton Foundation, bear deep responsibility for these problems, an issue I examine in both the film and book. The Guardian Long Read just published a fine report by…

Disaster Capitalism documentary now streaming on Amazon

My 2018 documentary, Disaster Capitalism, on individuals, companies and governments making money from misery in Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, Haiti and the US, is now available to stream on Amazon. The film is directed by Thor Neureiter, produced by Media Stockade and written/produced by me. It’s only for US viewers now but will soon be available…

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