Time for the media to ask some deeper questions about Israel/American relations (ie. it’s in pretty good shape)

Everybody calm down. Hillary Clinton has reaffirmed Washington’s “absolute commitment to Israel’s security”. Jerusalem is facing growing Palestinian protests, especially since Hamas called for a “day of rage”. Bradley Burston writes in Haaretz a completely over the top comment: Washington is beginning to relate to the Netanyahu government as if it were Hamas. Please. Israel…

Latest West Bank shenanigans

The great Amira Hass, a beacon in dark times. One: The army has declared the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Na’alin a ‘closed military area’ until August 17, it emerged Monday. In arresting a demonstrator on Friday, police cited a military edict closing off the two villages, where weekly protests against the barrier Israel…

Sane voices still exist in Israel, see below

Two pieces from the weekend Haaretz newspaper that are worth sharing. Gideon Levy: The Israeli peace camp didn’t die. It was never born in the first place. While it’s true that since the summer of 1967, several radical and brave political groups have been working against the occupation – all worthy of recognition – a…

Amira Hass monitors Israeli apartheid

Two recent pieces by leading Israeli journalist Amira Hass are worth reading. First: “The year 2009 was the quietest for Israelis from the security point of view and the most violent for the Palestinians from the point of view of attacks by settlers in the West Bank.” Just as he was saying this – as…

Iran is not an existential threat (repeat again and again)

Avner Cohen wonders in Haaretz why Israel has allowed itself to be supposedly petrified of Iran’s alleged nuclear program (discounting the possibility that it pays to keep a populace petrified of an enemy): What if Israel had treated Iran’s nuclear project as an exhibitionist, even childish, attempt by a nation mired in a deep identity…

The Green Prince was a traitor to the Palestinian cause

A story that doesn’t really need any comment: The son of a leading Hamas figure, who famously converted to Christianity, served for over a decade as the Shin Bet security service’s most valuable source in the militant organization’s leadership, Haaretz has learned. Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder…

Is Israel mature enough to understand the value of rights?

An instructive op-ed in Haaretz by media consultant Gilad Heiman that offers the Jewish state some advice that will probably be ignored: Israeli public relations stems entirely from the Zionist Israeli narrative, without any genuine attempt being made to learn the language of human rights, which is dominant in international public discourse. We expect the…

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