Ruled by fools

Uri Avnery, February 28: Many people around the world believe in the anti-Semitic myth that we Jews are immensely clever and that all our actions prove our diabolical cunning. Therefore, the ascent of Hamas must be the result of a shrewd Zionist conspiracy. The existence of Abbas (and Arafat before him) hinders the Jews from…

They exist, talk to them

A group of former international peace negotiators on Thursday urged the world and Israel to abandon the policy of isolating Hamas and engage with the Islamist militant group. “The policy of isolating Hamas cannot bring about stability. As former peace negotiators, we believe it is of vital importance to abandon the failed policy of isolation…

Stop the killing machines

White phosphorus bombs used by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip were produced and supplied by American arms manufacturers, according to an Amnesty International report that called for a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. … A Palestinian human rights group has filed a lawsuit at the High Court in London over the United Kingdom’s continuation…

What any humane leader would think

Why Turkey will no longer remain silent in the face of Israeli crimes in Palestine. The Jewish state’s isolation over its barbarity grows. Over to you, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan: We are always telling them [Hamas)]to act differently, that we are for a two-state solution: Palestine and Israel. They have to accept this, but…

The gift that Hamas gives

Tony Karon,, February 12: Fatah leaders see the Israeli election as confirming what they already knew: there’s nothing to be gained by continuing the charade of U.S.-sponsored talks about talks with the Israelis. Palestinians could not get what they needed from Olmert, and they know that his successors will take even more of a…

Failure has a new name

…It’s time that Israel and virtually the entire international community be held to account for the humanitarian ramifications of the past 20 months’ economic warfare against the population of Gaza.

Who really is fully at fault here?

Noam Chomsky argues in a recent interview, in views that I share, that Hamas is far more amenable to peace than the US or Israel: Well for several years Hamas has been very clear and explicit, repeatedly, that they favor a two state settlement on the international border. They said they would not recognize Israel…

Paying a price for collusion

Israeli chocolate company Max Brenner is a perfect target for a boycott against companies that support the Jewish state’s occupation of Palestinian land. From small acorns, bigger campaigns will grow: Palestinian solidarity activists launched a campaign last week targeting Israeli-owned chocolate franchise Max Brenner as part of a growing international movement to boycott Israeli products.…

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