A violent nation and proud of it

The free state of Israel? Hardly, writes Gideon Levy in Haaretz: That’s how it is here: Opposition to peace is always legitimate and patriotic; opposition to war is always traitorous, anti-Israel and should be hushed while broadcasting his television show “London & Kirschenbaum” this week, Yaron London acknowledged they had run into problems: “We had…

A young Jew speaks

If I were a young Palestinian, I’d fight the Jews fiercely, even by means of terror. Anyone who says anything different is telling you lies.

Israeli war crimes go way back

From the current chaos in Gaza to recent history, Israel’s futile attack on Lebanon in 2006: “What happened in the Dahiya quarter of Beirut in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired on ”¦ “We will apply disproportionate force on it [the village] and cause great damage and destruction there. From…

The establishment talks it out

A revealing discussion about the current Israel/Hamas clash between Heather Hurlburt from Democracy Arsenal/National Security Network and Eli Lake from The Washington Times and The New Republic:

No. state. ever.

Jennifer Loewenstein (no relation) rightly states that, even with Hamas out of the picture, Israel has never had any intention of granting Palestinians a state of their own. When will the international community accepts this reality?

Gaza media statement

The following email was just sent to the over 500-strong Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) mailing list: Dear friends, We have drafted the following letter and are planning to post it on our IAJV website and also send it to the major newspapers including the Australian Jewish News. We invite your signature. If you wish…

Gaza distorted by the media lens

The following article, co-written with Peter Slezak, was published today on Online Opinion: Palestinians are paying the price for what we in the West are doing, or rather, failing to do. Israel and its “supporters” rely on rewriting history even as it happens, with the complicity of our media and politicians. The average television viewer…

From rockets to texting

Dozens of Israelis received text messages form Hamas Thursday morning, stammeringly warning them that the offensive in Gaza will only bring about massive rocket fire on Israel. The message read: “Rockets on all cities, shelters not protect, Qassam rocket, Hamas.” A source in Hamas military wing confirmed the new tactic, adding that Hamas wants to…

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