Julia Gillard will serve our agendas fine, say Washington and Tel Aviv interests

The elevation of Julia Gillard to position of Australia’s new Prime Minister has been welcomed, indeed blessed, by both the Zionist and American lobbies. Gillard can certainly be relied upon to follow her predecessor’s attitude towards the Jewish state and Washington, namely that independent thought is frowned upon and obedience is the necessary Australian way.…

Australia’s Israel lobby are like little sheep

The role of religious lobbies in Australia isn’t new (witness the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader last night trying to impress the Christian lobby and its mates across the country, saying things about gay marriage, climate change and refugees). There needs to be far more sunlight into the relations between governments and lobby groups. Who…

What AIPAC would like the world to think

This what America’s leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, sends to the media; a racist video depicting all Arabs as terrorists. Yes, AIPAC represents Jews (and again, this is a Latma production, courtesy of the Jerusalem Post’s Caroline Glick, the genius behind “We Con The World”):

Obama’s zero results in the Muslim world

Commenting on a new Pew study that outlines growing Arab anger towards Barack Obama, Andrew Sullivan signals a win for the Zionist lobby and Israel’s right-wing; singing all the way over the cliff: The Arab world, for reasons both ugly and realistic, was waiting to see if Obama could actually wrest free of the pro-Israel…

Here are your Tel Aviv friendly talking points on Gaza

How the Zionist lobby (in this case The Israel Project) tells its little minions to sell Israel (via Richard Silverstein): Subject: In the “messages that fail” department, please see this”¦ Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 13:36:40 -0400 From: Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi To: Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi As to research on saying that there isn’t a “humanitarian…

Inciting race hatred on Murdoch money

A helpful reminder of the kind of hatred that regularly appears in the pages of a leading Murdoch publication. Alan Howe is a senior figure in Melbourne’s Herald Sun newspaper who loves to demean Arabs and praise Israel (free trips to the Jewish state thanks to the Zionist lobby have certainly helped him hone his…

Is the Aussie Zionist lobby in trouble?

One of Australia’s foremost academics, Scott Burchill, senses a change in Australian public opinion over Israel. The Zionist lobby will have noticed. As will the lobby’s closest backers (such support is always helped by regular free trips to Israel and a constant stream of press releases). Over to Burchill in an online exclusive: Sometimes government…

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