How to please your Zionist masters without even trying

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas goes to Washington and attends a private dinner with the Zionist lobby. Notice anything wrong with this? The exact group who spend every waking hour extinguishing the prospects of Palestinian self-determination now want to dine with the puppet leader. The report speaks for itself: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas can’t seem to…

“In short, the game is up”

Liberal Zionist lobbyist and two-stater Daniel Levy writes a pretty perceptive piece in Haaretz that should really be essential reading for all Zionists who only seem capable of voicing blind support for Israel (hello sheep-like Australian Jewish community): There were large demonstrations in Cape Town last week following the Mavi Marmara incident. For now, South…

Abbas looks for warm embrace of Zionist community

If anymore evidence is needed, and it isn’t, that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is a puppet desperate for Western approval (and funding and arms), here’s a little news from his American tour: Leading Jewish Americans are reportedly just about fed up with the government of Turkey, but many of them are still very much interested…

What the Pixies think may be catching

A piece in today’s Murdoch Australian highlights the almost unstoppable movement towards isolating Israel until it recognises the error of its occupying ways. Not much evidence that many Israelis do believe that, but give them time: The piece is by Michael Shaik: “MICHAEL, she’s dead.” It was March 16, 2003. The huge anti-war protests of…

Former US Israeli ambassador pleads: Tel Aviv needs to find a better PR agent

Here’s the new narrative. A right-wing Israeli website produces a video mocking the aid workers killed last week near Gaza, damns the Gazans themselves and uses racism to make its oh-so-subtle point; we Israelis have nothing to apologise for, so bugger off. The Israeli government initially promotes the video globally – spokespeople find it “funny”…

Australia’s Zionist lobby demands government loyalty

So the New York Times features a story this week headlined, “Washington Asks: What to Do About Israel?” Its opening sentence: Some topics are so inflammatory that they are never discussed without first inserting a number of caveats. Of course in Australia any serious discussion about Israeli policy or Australia’s relationship with the Jewish state…

The Aussie Zionist lobby remembers its job

Israel is facing global criticism, so of course the Australian Jewish News focuses on poor, little Jewish students on campus who may be forced to see photos of dead Palestinians in Gaza. Tough times for the Zionist community: An escalation in tension around Australian university campuses is expected after the Gaza flotilla raid this week.…

The quick flotilla round-up (aka Israel has lost it)

Zionist groups in the US wish Barack Obama was more supportive and remain disappointed that the American President hasn’t invaded Turkey. Israel’s Deputy UN Ambassador says whatever his government tells him to say. Israel’s President Shimon Peres – the best friend apartheid South Africa could ever have – says that the Israeli soldiers were “humane”.…

The Washington way is to embrace its Jewish friend and hold tight

Washington’s aim in life seems to be to protect its little mate, Israel. Sweet. Here’s a quote from a few days ago that can’t be forgotten: “The situation is that they’re so isolated right now that it’s not only that we’re the only ones who will stick up for them,” said an American official. “We’re…

West complicit in Israeli terror and oppression

My following article appears in today’s New Zealand Herald: The day after the Australian Government announced it was expelling an Israeli diplomat over the forging of its passports in the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, the Murdoch press was incensed. The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, last week condemned Kevin Rudd’s “over-reaction” to…

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