J Street begs for more Obama intervention

I used to be agnostic towards J Street, a liberal Zionist lobby, but its Gaza flotilla statement continues its obsession (and misunderstanding) that only Washington can bring peace to the Middle East when in fact it’s primarily due to America that Israel can act as it does: J Street is deeply shocked and saddened by…

Gaza flotilla massacre is Israel’s Kent State?

In the midst of today’s madness by Israel, it’s welcome to read a sensible analysis by Moshe Yaroni at Realistic Peace (thanks to Sol Salbe for the tip). Ultimately, he writes, this incident has the potential to massively damage Israel’s reputation (what, I hear you say, it still has some?) and reveal further to the…

Israel says al-Qaeda was related to the Gaza flotilla (yes, seriously)

Boarding a ship in international waters and arriving with commandos from helicopters. Yes, Israel clearly made a defensive move. And I thought the Zionist lobby keeps on telling us that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s the latest Israeli government spin, predictable and pathetic (perhaps they should claim that Bin Laden was on the Gaza…

2SER radio interview about Israeli/Australian relations

Here’s my interview on Sydney’s 2SER Radio last weekend discussing Australia’s relationship with Israel after the passport forgery scandal (and note the embarassing comments before me by a Zionist lobbyist who essentially says Israel has the right to murder any “terrorist” they want).

A Middle East film that should be screened on the ABC

Is this a case of preemptive buckle on the part of the ABC or something else entirely? You decide: The distributor of an Australian documentary sympathetic to the Palestinian cause was told it would not screen on the ABC until a program taking an opposing position was available for broadcast. The ruling has outraged the…

Zionist lobby in Australia? What’s that, a soft drink?

Just in case anybody was wondering, here’s a “progressive” Australian politician being asked about the independence of his party’s position towards Israel. Don’t believe a word he says: Federal Liberal MP Malcolm Turnbull, whose Sydney seat of Wentworth includes a large Jewish constituency, yesterday told the Herald intelligence agencies often arrive at views that are…

Blind western backing for Israel only leads to more terrorism

The following article by Ian Munro appears in today’s Melbourne Age: Australia’s 12,000-strong Israeli community is deeply divided over the government’s deportation of an Israeli diplomat, with many angry that Israel risked good relations with a strong friend, former security analyst Ran Porat said. Mr Porat, a journalist who is undertaking postgraduate research into the…

How many false Aussie passports have we used, daddy?

Nobody said that Western states aren’t inherently hypocritical but this supposed revelation opens a can of worms. Australia has used faked passports to carry out assassinations? Do tell (and even if they do, that means that we should simply accept it and allow, say Israel, to get away with murder?) And I note the increasingly…

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