This is the new major Zionist lobby

Israel lobby J Street in the US is a mixed bag. Its recent statement on Israeli Independence Day is pretty lame and can’t even mention the Palestinians by name. There’s no doubt, however, that the Zionist lobby needs to be challenged. But this statement, just sent to supporters, is an interesting document, an attempt to…

We can say what we want

Here’s yet another case of the Zionist lobby in the US causing trouble for an academic who dared criticise Israel: Toward the end of February 2009, University of California-Santa Barbara Sociology and Global Studies Professor William Robinson received notice from the Academic Senate’s Charges Committee that two of his students had filed charges against him.… …

Why exposing the Zionist lobby is so important

The Jane Harman case – involving phone-taps, the Zionist lobby, AIPAC and national security – has caused a storm in the US. The Jewish Forward newspaper has an interesting observation about how Zionist fanatics are viewed: “We know that we are closely watched, that people might be listening to our phone calls. This is our…

What, bashing Arabs isn’t decent behaviour?

Michael Brull, a blogger with Independent Australian Jewish Voices, continues his increasingly public and necessary battles with Zionist apologists. First up, former head of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, David Knoll, who has a piece in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, showing his supposed concern about racism. Except, as Brull notes: Look Mr Knoll. You…

If the Americans are truly serious, well…

Progressive Zionist lobbyist MJ Rosenberg wonders why the Israelis think they can ignore the requests from Obama to move towards a two-state solution: There can be no doubt: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not much care what President Obama thinks about negotiations with the Palestinians. He seems to be making the same mistake that Obama’s…

Israel to bomb Iran? Don’t believe the hype

My latest column for New Matilda is about the relationship between Israel and Iran and the prospects for war: The Israel lobby want to bomb Iran, but calmer heads can see plenty of reasons not to. This time the lobby may not get what it wants, writes Antony Loewenstein Roger Cohen, a columnist for the…

The Durban circus continues

The UN’s anti-racism conference continues in Geneva but it’s hard to see how this event will achieve anything other than an even greater split between the West and the rest. The Australian media has covered the event in a fairly predictable way (and only the public, through letter writing, has allowed the debate to flourish).…

Engagement is important

An interesting editorial in today’s Sydney Morning Herald on the Durban II conference (refreshingly challenging the Zionist lobby to stop whinging so much and chasing shadows): When the nearly 200 nations of the world get down to try to hammer out a common position on human rights, you can expect a fair amount of hypocrisy…

What role AIPAC?

Talking Points Memo has the skinny on a story that shows yet again that we know very little about the power of the Zionist lobby in the US: This story is so radioactive it’s hard to know which of fifty different directions to go with it. In brief, Jeff Stein at CQ has a much,…

Denying reality is what they’re good at

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News: Jeff Halper in The Sydney Morning Herald (10/04) wrote, “Diaspora Jews need to revalidate Diaspora Jewish culture (that Zionism dismissed as superficial and ephemeral) and find genuine, compelling reasons why their children should remain Jewish. Blindly supporting Israel’s extreme right-wing and militaristic policies is not…

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