New Zealand takes notice of Israeli actions

The following was released today by Auckland’s Palestine Human Rights Campaign: The Palestine Human Rights Campaign…  is calling upon the New Zealand Government to condemn…  Israel’s killing of civilian activists on board the peace flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip. “The New Zealand government should call in its newly credentialed Israeli ambassador to… …

How many New Zealanders shout at the sight of an Israeli head?

The recent speech by the new Israeli ambassador to New Zealand – a position that has been vigorously protested by locals over the last months – at the opening of the new embassy in Wellington: The reopening of this Mission reflects the importance that Israel attaches to its relations with New Zealand. The primary aim…

Liberal Zionism debates what Judaism should be in the 21st century

I’m coming late to this essay but there’s a long piece in the New York Review of Books by Peter Beinart talking about the failure of American Jewish elites and the wider Zionist community to understand the real effects of blind backing for Israel. Arabs are openly loathed and yet liberal, American Jewry is walking…

New Zealanders robustly debate Israel/Palestine

Following the recent feature in New Zealand magazine The Listener on my work, this week’s edition publishes the following letters (and note the perfect “balance”, one pro and one anti): In the unbalanced demonisation of Israel (“Cry the promised land”, May 15), writer Joanne Black, swallowing every generalisation, stereotype and distortion made by Antony Loewenstein,…

The three New Zealanders who said “no” to US aggression

Spending time in New Zealand brings fascinating tales of a nation with a radical and independent streak. Admirable and pretty unique. I’ve been told by a number of different people about this story from March this year, an example of a non-violent protest against US wars that resulted in a great deal of local sympathy…

New Zealand remembers well how Israel views its sovereignty

The Dubai/Mossad saga rolls on: A former Israeli diplomat at the centre of a passport scam in New Zealand in 2004 has been named as a suspect in the assassination of a top Hamas leader. Zev William Barkan is one of 32 people Dubai police say they want to speak to as they investigate the…

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