Colluding with Israeli apartheid should affect your global image

The Independent reports: The government will be challenged in parliament next week over the services provided in Israeli settlements within occupied Palestinian territory by the company chosen to run security for London 2012. G4S, designated as “official provider of security and cash services for the Olympics,” also operates in Jewish settlements in the West Bank…

Beinart likes democracy but Jews clearly deserve it more

Discussion over Peter Beinart’s recent book on Israel/Palestine continues and this long feature in New York Magazine is symtomatic of … the problem. His main goal is “saving Israel” and although he clearly cares about Palestinian human rights, comments such as these suggest not as much as Jewish ones: If you understand me in the larger…

Australia to take best lesson possible from indulging Zionism since 1948

A friend in Israel sent this to me today. We’ve been warned: Australian politicians, senior bureaucrats, journalists, academics, military and business leaders have for many years been taking paid-for trips to Israel to observe the Israeli model in action, how it works, and to take home lessons that could be applied by Australia. After many…

Zionist fascism is both normalised and encouraged

Israel 2012: Israel may jail illegal immigrants for up to three years under a law put into effect on Sunday, an Interior Ministry official said, a measure aimed at stemming the flow of Africans entering Israel across the porous desert border with Egypt. “The law takes effect from today,” said Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad.…

Israel lobby friend and Murdoch man defames Arabs in a good day’s work

It can’t be easy for a Murdoch editor to find new ways to damn Palestinians but the… Herald Sun’s Alan Howe constantly comes through with the goods. Here’s his latest that proves once again that the Zionist lobby, who sends people like Howe to Israel, creates individuals who loathe Arabs even more than before they left:…

Why Zionist repression must be met with true resistance

This story, told in Mondoweiss, is precisely the reason Israel is increasingly isolated globally. Outrageous behaviour but sadly typical: I am an American citizen. I went to American schools my entire life, graduated from an American university and work as an architect in New York City. Why was this happening to me? It all started…

Leading Israeli journalist persecuted for doing his job

Like the Western elite campaign against Julian Assange and Wikileaks, power hates being exposed and embarrassed. This news is therefore worrying but unsurprising. Democracy it is not (via +972): Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announced his intention to indict Uri Blau, one of Israel’s top investigative reporters, for possession of classified materials without permission. The materials…

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