Stop idealising the war journalist

Robert Fisk is typically provocative (and accurate) in today’s Independent column: It took a lot of courage to get into Homs; Sky News, then the BBC, then a few brave men and women who went to tell the world of the city’s anguish and, in at least two cases, suffered themselves. I could only reflect…

Equality for all between Israelis and Palestinians threatens Zionist identity

This weekend’s One State Solution conference at Harvard University has already caused consternation in the usual Zionist circles. One of the organisers, Ahmed Moor, co-editor with me on a forthcoming book After Zionism, issued the following statement to… Inside Higher Ed… for critics who won’t understand why advocates can’t find love for Israel in their hearts: In…

Israel is an apartheid state; Discuss

Bitterlemons website has done just that, publishing four perspectives on the issue. Here’s John Dugard, a professor of international law and previous special rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory: BI:… Does the system in place in the occupied territories fit the UN definition of “apartheid”?… …

Ideal Jewish future: guns, religion and US tax dollars

In early March Harvard University will be hosting the One State Conference, organised by my co-editor Ahmed Moor on our forthcoming book After Zionism, that aims to bring true justice to the Israel/Palestine conflict. Equal rights for all citizens. Unsurprisingly, Zionist fanatics aren’t too fond of such ideas, rather enjoying living in an American-protected bubble.…

If only the world knew how much we love occupation, Israel muses

Another day and just so many challenges faced by the Zionist state. Should we bomb Iran tomorrow or Saturday? I mean, who knows what the Iranian mullahs will be thinking on the Sabbath. Elsewhere, Israel Apartheid Week is nearly upon us so Tel Aviv must respond. What are they doing? Sending settlers (and others) around…

One day soon Haaretz may realise that 2 state solution will never happen

Long ago, in the mind of many Israelis, the supposed separation between Israel and the occupied territories disappeared. The paper’s editorial: Construction of the new cultural auditorium in Ariel, taking students on tours of the West Bank, and now the plan to turn the ‘university center’ in Ariel into a full-fledged university, are erasing the…

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