Featuring Hitler a little too close to Israel

A report on 80 + 1 by Californian technlogy writer (and friend) Cyrus Farivar: Jews and Palestinians in Israel have been at each others’ throats basically since the British showed up and screwed everything up. It’s been an intractable struggle that’s been going on for the better part of a century. The latest episode incarnation…

Checkpoints are still there

Another day in the life of the West Bank settlement project. A wonderful blog, Israel’s Back Yard, documents what most Israelis and Jews don’t want to see or hear.

Stop the rot right now

If true, an encouraging start, as settlements are the cancer in the Middle East: The United States has given Israel a six-month deadline to accede to its demand to freeze all construction in West Bank settlements, France’s foreign minister told his Lebanese interlocutors during an official visit to Beirut.

Fox News notes West Bank resistance

A Fox News report from the Palestinian town of Bilin, the site of weekly protests against the apartheid wall. The discussion is inane and the host back in the US can’t, like, totally understand that an occupation is taking place, but having such images in the mainstream media is certainly a positive development (thanks to…

Settlers are just like you and me

A former AIPAC chief lobbyist reveals the plans of hardline Zionist groups in the US. Basically, pity the poor, helpless settlers being threatened with evacuation: If you can’t convince ’em, accuse ’em. That’s the advice from The Israel Project (TIP) for pro-Israel activists answering questions about settlements. Rather than try to defend Israeli settlements, change…

God really only speaks to settlers

It’s tiresome that Zionists, such as this one writing in Israel’s biggest paper, still use The Book to justify an illegal occupation: Jews have a right to live in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a., the West Bank or Occupied Territories.) Anyone acquainted with the Bible or familiar with history knows that.

Zionists build, America complains

There will be no new settlements, announced the US. Oh, you mean these settlements? Israel had won agreement from the United States for the continued construction of 2,500 housing units in settlements in the West Bank, despite U.S. calls for a freeze, according to the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv. Don’t believe a word uttered by Barack…

Zionism enjoys expansion, discuss

Israel and the West Bank “outposts”; an abusive relationship with two willing partners: If George Mitchell, America’s special envoy to the Middle East, wants an advance estimate on the reliability of Israeli promises to evacuate outposts, he may find the High Court of Justice discussion on the outpost of Migron helpful. The state’s request to…

Another day in the life of the West Bank

A report on Mondoweiss: Joseph Dana from Ibn Ezra sent us the following: I just shot and edited a video (see below) of what happen today in Safa in the southern West Bank. Ta’ayush went with about thirty Israeli and international peace activists to help the… farmers… of Safa work their land. As soon as we arrived…

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