Israel, the world really loves you, you better believe it

Zionist propagandists, don’t feel alone. Israel has a job for you. One truly wonders whether Israel is stupid or just overly optimistic. Better PR and more use of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook isn’t going to change the woeful international image of the Jewish state. Ending the occupation will help but there ain’t no chance of…

Twitter is so not Beijing’s bag

China, we are listening, can you hear us? When Barack Obama told students in Shanghai last week that he had never used Twitter, there were two responses. In the west, surprise from some of his 2.6 million followers. And in China, reportedly, a surge in queries on Google China: “What’s Twitter?” On the mainland, it…

Have you had your shot of Twitter juice today?

Twitter, the drug of the (largely young and modern) nation: Britain’s 5.5 million Twitter users are younger than average members of the public, slightly more likely to vote Labour, and distinctly more liberal, according to a survey published today. They are also more likely to live in London, less likely to live in the north…

Twitter is vulnerable everywhere

Although there are signs that Saudi Arabia is ever-so-slowly liberalising, here’s the reality for anybody who speaks out: Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission has recently blocked access to Twitter accounts of two Saudi human rights activists because the authorities didn’t like the human rights angle of theit Twittering.

Twitter is controlled by the Lord

Jews, feel the power of the man upstairs: Want to tweet God? An Israeli university student has opened a Twitter site,, where prayers can be sent for placement in the crevices of Jerusalem’s Western Wall, a Jewish holy site that faithful believe provides a direct line to the Almighty. “I take their prayers, print…

Uprisings won’t be coming via the mobile

Twitter revolutions across the world? Bollocks, writes Foreign Policy’s Evgeny Morozov: You can’t fear what doesn’t exist — and Twitter barely exists, if it exists at all, in most authoritarian countries. Generally, either they have their own microblogging services or Internet access is too slow and expensive for Twitter to be broadly useful. Furthermore, anyone…

Let the masses through the media gates

The Guardian editor has a vision for a viable, media future: [Alan] Rusbridger also laid out his vision of what he called “mutualised news,” which he said would “take down the walls” of traditional media companies by distributing information through new means such as social networking site Twitter and by asking the public to get…

People make revolutions

I wrote before about the dangers of over-playing the significance of the web in Iran. It’s hard not to moved, though, by this Iranian blogger: I will take part in the rally tomorrow. It might become violent. Perhaps I may be one of the people who is meant to die. I am listening to all…

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