Accountability in Palestine?

After the recent news that the International Criminal Court made an historic decision to allow its prosecutor to investigate war crimes in Palestine, I was asked by global broadcaster TRT World to comment: Antony Loewenstein, an independent author and film-maker who lived in Jerusalem from 2016-2020, is also happy about the ICC decision. “The recent…

Al Jazeera Arabic film on privatised war in Yemen

Al Jazeera Arabic just released a documentary on the brutal war in Yemen, the use of militias and how the conflict is being privatised with violent contractors. I’m interviewed in the film (not because I’ve been to Yemen but due to my extensive work post 9/11 on the use/abuse of private contractors in war). An…

Australia's ambition to become global arms dealer

My major investigation in the Melbourne Age/Sydney Morning Herald on Australia’s surging defence industry: This year’s Avalon Air Show in Geelong was the first chance for the public to see the long-delayed Joint Strike Fighter in action. At a cost of at least $100 million per aircraft, Canberra is slated to spend $17 billion on…

Who makes money from the crisis in Yemen?

Yemen is suffering one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, fuelled by the US-backed, Saudi Arabian war against civilians. Weapons manufacturers also have blood on their hands. I was interviewed today by journalist Jacob Burns in the Jordanian publication, Al Bawaba: Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and author of Disaster Capitalism:… Making A Killing…

We know too little about US drone attacks

My weekly Guardian column: The news that the US had killed two Australian “militants” in a drone strike was… announced… in mid-April.… Christopher Havard… and “Muslim bin John”, who… also held… New Zealand citizenship, were allegedly killed by a CIA-led airstrike in eastern Yemen in November last year. Readers were given little concrete information, apart from a “counter-terrorism source” who claimed…

America's special-ops reach into every corner of the planet

Nick Turse is one of America’s most concise chroniclers of empire. His latest essay in TomDispatch attempts to gain information about the real number of US special operation forces operating across the globe. It’s a tough task but goes to the heart of what America has become: This year, Special Operations Command has plans to…

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