Decades of settler-colonialism in focus

I was interviewed by global broadcaster TRT World about the latest violence in Israel/Palestine and how it fits into a long history of occupation and discrimination: What is happening in Sheikh Jarrah might also amount to a war crime, a recent EU statement suggested, seeing it as an “alarming” development. Israeli settlements across Palestine are illegal, violating…

The rise and rise of (bought and sold) suicide drones

Israel sells huge amounts of defence equipment to some of the worst autocrats in the world. A recent scandal, mostly ignored in the Western media, revolves around Israeli-designed suicide drones being sold to China. Journalist Shir Hever interviewed me about the story for Middle East Eye: Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist, filmmaker and author, said…

Accountability in Palestine?

After the recent news that the International Criminal Court made an historic decision to allow its prosecutor to investigate war crimes in Palestine, I was asked by global broadcaster TRT World to comment: Antony Loewenstein, an independent author and film-maker who lived in Jerusalem from 2016-2020, is also happy about the ICC decision. “The recent…

What will Europe do if Israel starts annexing?

As Israel flirts with annexing parts of the West Bank, Europe’s likely response is weak (at best). Global broadcaster TRT World asked me about this issue: Israel has occupied Palestinian land for over 50 years and Europe has barely mustered more than a few terse statements in opposition,” Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and filmmaker…

How international law fails Palestine

During the Coronavirus outbreak, “normal” Middle Eastern politics are less discussed in the media and yet Israel’s occupation of Palestine is just as brutal as ever. My interview with US outlet Fair Observer about Trump’s recent Middle East “peace deal”, the reality on the ground in Palestine and possible points of leverage for Palestinians. Here’s…

Talking at Bethlehem University on our role as critical journalists

Happy to share details about my talk this week at Bethlehem University:   View this post on Instagram   This week I spoke at Bethlehem University to students and teachers about investigative journalism, the Middle East, humility, research, challenging power and our role as reporters in a time of disruption. Always encouraging to find students…

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