When Israeli madness could strike against the Islamic Republic

Leading Israeli journalist Gideon Levy talks to Democracy Now! on rising threats from the Zionist state to attack Iran. Being in the region now, and Israel and Palestine especially, I can say that talk of a possible strike is palpable but in reality most people don’t seem to believe that Netanyahu would actually do something…

Electronic Intifada reviews “After Zionism”

The following piece by Sarah Irving appears this week. As a writer, reviews are a double-edged sword. They’re helpful and interesting but I don’t always agree with their conclusions. This piece is no exception: After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine… is a new collection of essays edited by… Antony Loewenstein… and… Ahmed Moor. It is important to…

How an Orthodox Jew believes in getting past Zionism

The Magnes Zionist, a fascinating Orthodox Jew who appears in my new book After Zionism, writes that imagining a land without ethnic chauvinism is possible, if only more Jews tried: I suppose I should be pleased that Rabbi Jeremy Rosen, whose… blog… I occasionally read with pleasure, contrasted favorably the Magnes Zionist’s posts with Avraham Burg’s recentop-ed… in…

Latest news from Independent Australian Jewish News

The following newsletter was just sent to the Independent Australian Jewish Voices… email list: Hi all, There are a number of IAJV-sponsored and related events coming up that we would like you to know about. The first event begins in Sydney this weekend; it features Sahar Vardi and Micha Kurz, two Israeli activists and former IDF…

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