Legalising apartheid in Palestine

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Let’s imagine this scene: eleven Palestinian youngsters under the age of 18 demonstrating with Palestinian flags and posters at the north-west entrance of the Ariel settlement, demanding that the old road which leads to Salfit be reopened. Let’s assume that these youngsters aren’t attacked by the Ariel residents. After all, this…

When if ever will South African Jews not embrace victimhood?

Tragically, many Australian Jews take comfort from this same delusion, almost enjoying imagining it’s 1933. All the time. This piece from a South African newspaper highlights the dilemma and hopes for a much better future: Of all the studies conducted on the position of the Jewish establishment during apartheid, perhaps the most authoritative has been…

Knowing it’s apartheid in Palestine but being too afraid to say it

In a positive review of Peter Beinart’s book The Crisis of Zionism in Rolling Stone, this telling quote: Another anonymous source is a “senior State Department official,” who recently traveled with Secretary Clinton from Jerusalem to Ramallah in the West Bank: “There was a kind of silence and people were careful, but it was like,…

This is how Israeli hacks support Israel?

A priceless letter in today’s Washington Post: Last week, in an interview with CNN, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu specifically denied that a future Palestinian state would resemble “a piece of Swiss cheese,” acknowledging that the state would be territorially contiguous. “I’m the prime minister who removed hundreds of checkpoints, barriers and roadblocks,” he said.…

Hello NYT, associations with Zionist think-tanks should be revealed

Working for the New York Times in Israel seems to guarantee a disturbing lack of transparency. FAIR reports: After the news broke… that… New York Times… Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner had a son who enlisted in the Israeli army (Extra!,… 1/27/10),… Times… public editor Clark Hoyt noted (2/6/10) that it was problematic for Bronner to continue reporting on “one of…

Desmond Tutu demands real BDS action on Palestine

Powerful piece to persuade the Methodist Church to divest from companies that support the Israeli occupation: A quarter-century ago I barnstormed around the United States encouraging Americans, particularly students, to press for divestment from South Africa. Today, regrettably, the time has come for similar action to force an end to Israel’s long-standing occupation of Palestinian…

The Australian right to target businesses complicit with Israeli occupation

The position of BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] in Australia remains highly relevant. Debating Israeli apartheid in Palestine is necessary. This case starts today: On May 1, 19 Melbourne activists will be put on trial for their political activity. In a precedent-setting case, these pro-Palestine activists will be fighting a variety of charges designed to…

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