It’s called journalism, Israel

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass, returned from reporting in Gaza – unlike any other Israeli reporter – and was promptly charged by the “Middle East’s only democracy”.

Fear in the lobby

My latest column for New Matilda is about the Zionist lobby and its hopefully stunted plans for the Middle East: Public and private noises from the Obama administration have the Israel lobby spooked. Now they’re getting ready for the fight of their lives, writes Antony Loewenstein Last week in Washington 7000 delegates from America’s most…

If apartheid doesn’t move them…

Akiva Eldar writes in Haaretz that Israel may soon experience the reality of American pressure: Like a spoiled child, Israel is in no rush to willingly surrender real estate it holds and has settled for decades. (A survey by Prof. Daniel Bar-Tal and Dr. Eran Halperin found that 53 percent of Israelis consider the West…

IAJV May newsletter

The following email was sent out yesterday to Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) signatories: Dear friends, We would like to inform you of the following events: – Haneen Zoabi is the Knesset’s only female Israeli Arab MP and she arrives in Australia this week. She’ll be appearing on many mainstream news outlets and giving talks…

Not accepting Zionist rules

The harassment of peace activists New Profile in Israel leaves many of us concerned (including Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy.) The group itself writes: The attempted criminalization of New Profile amounts to no less than a state war on youth. Rising numbers of young Jewish Israelis (as well as members of the Druze minority also subject…

Keep praising those brave IDF boys

Here’s the deal. Zionist Labor MP Michael Danby – an elected politician who seems to love Israel like a beautiful woman and challenge anybody who dares damn Zionist ideology – has complained about an ABC TV program that raised the recent Gaza war. War crimes were committed, but Danby and his media mates won’t tolerate…

Why can’t killing be more popular?

“Israel strives to re-brand image“, we’re told. Yet again. Get ready for more failure. “It doesn’t matter how many times we convince ourselves and our staunch allies that we are not war criminals, and that those who try to portray us as such are incorrigible Jew-haters,” wrote Anshel Pfeffer in the liberal daily Haaretz. Israel’s…

When two bigots get in the room

The weekly Haaretz published statement by Israeli peace group Gush Shalom: The President of Iran, Who has built a career On incitement and appeal To the basest instincts, Made a speech at the Conference against racism. And who cried “Scandalous! Anti-Semitism!”? Our Foreign Minister, Who himself had built a career On Incitement and appeal To…

The Jewish Holocaust is over, repeat after me

Aluf Benn asks a key question in Haaretz and one that should resonate around the world. If Israel is truly heading towards a military confrontation with Iran, how can we stop the madness? If the Iranian nuclear program is the train to Auschwitz, what will the Israelis and the Jews do if an operation to…

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